CDG - The Costume Designer

Fall 2017

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Fall 2017 The Costume Designer 13 This issue of The Costume Designer celebrates art of costume illustration. As Costume Designers, we need to convey our design concepts to directors, producers, and actors. Sometimes it's just a doodle on a napkin from lunch, sometimes it's a quick working sketch. In the past, illustrators hand-painted illustrations that are highly collectible works of art, and are now a valuable part of Hollywood history. With new technology, costume illustrators are helping bring our designs to life in ways that we never thought possible. From digital painting to 3D images that become patterns, costume illustrators are truly a great asset to Costume Designers. Awards season is starting up, and we are about to celebrate our 20th CDG Awards. Submissions for the 2018 CDG Awards are open until December 1, 2017. Be proud of your work, and submit yourself and your work for a nomination. Remember to buy a ticket early. This is the best awards show in town and always sells out quickly! I recently had the honor of an exhibit of my costumes from Season 6 of The Mindy Project at The Paley Center for Media in Beverly Hills. It was great to celebrate my work on six seasons of the show as it comes to its finale, and Hulu was so great to give me credit for curating the exhibit. My name was emblazoned across the building as the Costume Designer of The Mindy Project. As much as I enjoyed it, I didn't realize the impact it had until I received an email from Deborah Landis, tell- ing me how great it was that they gave me the Costume Designer credit for curating the exhibit and getting recognition for my work. This should set a precedent for future exhibits, and all Costume Designers should benefit from this. The studio loved all the free publicity it got from the exhibit. I have a great social media following. The fans of the costumes on The Mindy Project and the Pitch Perfect movie franchise know me by name. If we want to have the studios treat us with more respect and involve us in the marketing, we need to show them we add value to the projects we design. Social media is a great tool, but it's also a lot of work. I feel it's well worth the time and effort as it helps make us a brand as Costume Designers and that will pay off in the future. We just celebrated our first-year anniversary in our new CDG building. I love that the mem- bers are enjoying our new home and come by often. We will be hosting our CDG holiday party on Saturday, December 9, 2017. I look forward to seeing you there. I would like to thank illustrator Aasha Ramdeen for her beautiful illustration for our holiday party invitation, and new illustrator member Michael Uwandi for his delightful illustration for our CDG holiday card. I wish you all a happy holiday and a joyful and prosperous new year! In solidarity, Salvador Perez PRESIDENT'S LETTER UNION LABEL

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