Fall 2012

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On Location IMAGES OF BLACK WOMEN IN ENTERTAINMENT EXPLORED industry professionals for a panel titled Dark Chocolate: Contemporary Images of Black Women in the Entertainment Industry. The panelists shared personal experiences and stressed the O n June 19, the SAG-AFTRA Los Angeles Local welcomed eight esteemed female African-American actors and importance for African-American actors to define themselves, to tell their own stories and start creating projects for themselves. Panelist Ameenah Kaplan told the audience, "People don't know how deep our talent is because we are so stereotyped." A lively Q&A session followed the evening's program and led TONY TIME Actors Annie Potts, Jason Alexander and National Board member to vibrant discussions on topics ranging from how the "Chitlin' Circuit" originated to the importance of positive reinforcement regarding skin color within the home. "My mother put me in all the brightest colors, and my father always called me his chocolate drop," said panelist Judy Pace. Scott Bakula attend the Actors Fund's 16th Annual Los Angeles Tony Awards Viewing Party. The evening's program, hosted by Bakula, included the presentation of the Julie Harris Lifetime Achievement Award to Alexander. Los Angeles GOLFING FOR HEALTH FUND N From left, co-moderator Barbara Roberts; panelists Sonya Eddy, Ameenah Kaplan, Anna Maria Horsford, Karen Malina White, Shirley Wilson and Judy Pace; and National Board member Sharon Ferguson, co-moderator. SAG-AFTRA Co-President Ken Howard joined fellow celebrities, including Kiefer Sutherland, Andy Garcia, Joe Mantegna, Tim Allen and others at the 3rd Annual SAG Foundation Golf Classic on June 11, presented by Integrated Wealth Management. Money raised benefited the SAG Foundation Catastrophic Health Fund and Assistance Programs. Find out more at ational Board member Ron Perlman, leſt, and Click here for pics SAG-AFTRA PARTIES AT L.A. FILM FEST S 34 SAG-AFTRA | Fall 2012 | Us) and Todd Berger (It's A Disaster), hosted a cocktail reception to celebrate the films and performances of the Los Angeles Film Festival on June 19. From leſt, WGAW's Kay Wolf, Los Angeles Film Festival Director Stephanie Allain, Hall, WGAW Vice President Howard A. Rodman, actor Kimberly Elise, Berger and SAGIndie National Director Darrien Michele Gipson. AG-AFTRA, SAGIndie and Writers Guild of America, West, along with special guest hosts Philip Baker Hall (People Like Alberto E. Rodriguez/WireImage Scott Appel Eric Charbonneau

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