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city of angels While a new fl agship location is being scout- ed, the new Bodhi Tree LIVE concept space and studio on La Brea at Melrose will house a small retail shop, which will be open during events. Powers says, "Our next evolution is to create educational programs and media to extend the Beloved Community by sharing these wis- dom teachings with the world." This is an ex- citing evolution for the Bodhi Tree. As Siddhar- tha once did, we have a peaceful place where we can soak up knowledge, sustain our well- being, reach out to our global family, and know ourselves as deeply loving. This is what we are becoming. Upcoming events at Bodhi Tree LIVE December 1st—a very special worldwide celebra- tion of the 70th anniversary of one of the most iconic spiritual books that raised our conscious- ness and opened our hearts: Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. Register for the free livestream at Photo: Daniel Collopy for Bodhi Tree Experience holistic healing, profound personal transformation, and acquire the skills and tools to make the energetic, emotional, nutritional, and lifestyle changes needed to create and maintain exceptional health. 300-hour Certification in Shamanic Energy Medicine Joshua Tree Retreat Center, California March 6-April 2, 2017 Considered the Gold Standard in Shamanic Energy Medicine training, the Light Body School program offers the world's most thorough training in the philosophy and practice of energy medicine, combining ancient wisdom teachings with cutting-edge practices in nutrition, biology and neuroscience. Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. Medical anthropologist and founder of the Four Winds Society and the Light Body School. Best-selling author of Shaman Healer Sage, and One Spirit Medicine. For more information visit or call us at (877) 892-9247. Transform Yourself Heal the World Transform Yourself Heal the World Bodhi Tree Team Seated (L. to R.) Nicole Copeland-Perez, Julie Hand, Stuart Volkow, Margot Mandel, Daniel Collopy, Tina Cheung, Diana Lu Standing (L. to R.) Natalie Costello, Sean Ahearn, Tamara Albaitis, Pamela Bunn, Justine Amodeo, Naima Abdi, Ted Blaisdell, Car- oline Cameron, Tania Sosa-Lanz, Stephen Powers, David Fleming, Amy Swift, Perrin Brown, Julian Segal, Narcisa Perju, Stephanie Lodge, Dr. Joshua Stern Not Pictured Jasmine Fayed, Martha McCully, Afton Negrea, Joshua Farahnik, Zach Edwards, Robyn Dickson, Alison Cohn, Kelly Bracher, Paul Norman, Amy Pariah, Ning Chao, Marissa Pulaski, Gina Gibbons december/january 2017 9