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Reading, laughing, breathing sun, bathing moon—fi nding a new way to LIVE and inspire more LIFE from the grass you walk on, the rhythms you dance, the lovers you touch, children's awe, seaweed sculptures, front- line peace, miracles of fl esh recognizing fragility. And then...somewhere realize you've been meditating all along. Guru Jagat (Pg. 18 ) contributors What am I most looking forward to in 2017? Continuing to visit and experience new places, new tastes, and new art; delving more into the spiritual, and making sure I take the moments I have with friends and family as the treasures they are. In short: I'm looking forward to explor- ing both inside and out, and I'm looking forward to using my just-ordered fi rst new—and very necessary—cushy desk chair in over 15 years! Genie Davis (Pg. 29) In 2017, I plan to bring more joy to the world—and help others rediscover their own joy. No one should be deprived or robbed of the innate gift of their joy. I look forward to seeing more bridges built in our world—not necessarily physi- cal ones, but bridges between our hearts. Let's change the conversation: Instead of building walls, let's demolish these barriers and fi nd new creative ways to work and live together—in our homes, schools, work environments, and commu- nities. I envision a planet where we humans thrive by rediscovering the fundamental truth: that an embracing spirit is more powerful than any wall. Agapi Stassinopoulos (Pg. 20) The surprises and challenges of 2016 offer us the op- portunity in 2017 to come together as never before. I look forward to the co-creation of transformed individuals, communities, nations, and a world whose foundation is love, peace, harmony, and respect for all expressions of life. Ashley Ess (Pg. 33) In what has been a fascinating, rollicking rollercoaster of a year fi lled with surprises at every twist and turn so far, we refl ect upon the past 11 months, tie the bow, and not- so-neatly wrap up 2016. During this holiday season, as we fi ne-tune our aspirations and hone our vision toward the year to come, we've asked a few of our contributors what they are most looking forward to in 2017. Here are their responses: december/january 2017 7