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H ow are you doing? I ask most sincerely….. How are you feeling after several weeks of turmoil in this country since the election? No one can dispute that it's been a most "interesting" aka tumultuous month. The surprise of the election left many of us in shock, and, some in grief. What does it all mean? And how could it happen here, in our land of the "free"? Will our friends and neighbors in Southern California and around the country actually be asked to leave? Why is this and why now as we enter 2017? Aren't we "sup- posed" to be making progress as we move ahead? Or have we slipped back? Where are we heading as individuals? Where is our nation heading as a whole? This is a nation of immigrants; a nation of hope; we know this. How can we now look at a nation so divided? As part of the progressive and holistic community, we have been asked to dig deep and display non-judgement and tol- erance for all… As a country who has asked others for com- passion and tolerance, now we are being asked to display patience ourselves. But what about the people who may be injured in the process? Do we step back? Or do we move into action? With people hurting so deeply and des- perately wanting change, will the wishes be fulfilled by the promises espoused? I travelled this summer and spoke with people in the rural ar- eas of the south and mid-west. People are in pain and feel un- heard. Some are desperate for change, whatever that may look like. Is their picture so different from ours? All sides were given a sense of hope, after the atmosphere of fear was proliferated and preyed upon. We must all consider the ramifications for fu- ture generations and for our dear planet, no matter what the results indicate. Are we really listening to one another? How can we give voice to the voiceless? Can we begin to build bridges together, starting in our own communities? If nothing else, at least we live in the land of the "free" where we can express our thoughts and beliefs, without fear of censor- ship. We have the ability to vote as we wish, practice our religion or spirituality as we like, and realize separation of church and state. If those borders become blurred, we know we have the right to peacefully assemble and let our voices be heard. As a holistic publication, and a leading voice of transfor- mational media, with so much unpredictability right now, we appreciate our readers and advertisers more than ever! Let's unite together and stand stronger than ever. This is your publication. Let your voice be heard! Let's please support one another, no matter what your belief in the way things "should be." Let's start and continue communication with one an- other and welcome those outside of our "choir" as we listen and learn. Please consider visiting our amazing advertisers, too. They are here for you. We are in this vibrant community together. And, ultimately, we really are all part of one family of humanity. This time of year especially reminds us of the power of kindness and connection. I write this note to you on a spectacularly gloomy Thanksgiv- ing weekend—the skies are steely grey and Mother Nature just burst open with torrents of rain. Just gorgeous! And how wel- come for our beautiful and desperate drought-conditions. Speaking of which, are you considering options for your yard? Check out our "City of Angels" Department and learn more about native Californian plants which grow exceedingly well in our special conditions here in the Southland. With the holiday season upon us, we are once again inundat- ed with jingly tunes, holiday bells, wreathes, cookies, candy, and sales galore! If you are spending time with your family during the holidays, and maybe you don't always see eye to eye, try connecting heart to heart. In this issue we offer solutions for surviving the stress. You'll find options for meditation and tech- niques for mindfulness to help you slow down, relax, and enjoy. Itching to head out of town for some authentic snowy fun? Check out our travel piece this issue featuring whimsical and wondrous happenings in enchanted Santa Fe. No matter how you may choose to celebrate, may you find time to relax and ENJOY the magic of the season with friends, family, and community. As we head into 2017 together, please know how much we appreciate you our dear readers, advertis- ers, and supporters! Thank YOU! Happy Holidays and very best wishes for a healthy, happy, prosperous New Year for us all! ~ Cheers!* from the editor Hello Dearest Readers — 6