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city of angels Photo: Kathy Vilim SIDE NOTE: Due to the unexpected success of the Turf Removal Rebate Pro- gram, funding has dried up for most regions in California as of this writing. However, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (and also the City of Anaheim) are still accepting applica- tions. To get an estimate for a turf removal rebate and get an ap- plication, visit this link to apply and get a turf removal estimate. Due to the unexpected success of the Turf Removal Rebate Pro- gram, funding has dried up for most regions in California as of this writing. However, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (and also the City of Anaheim) are still accepting applica- tions. To get an estimate for a turf removal rebate and get an ap- Don't Feed What you Don't Need! The Mantra Prayer of Spiritual Protection can repel: • Negative Thought-Forms • Projections • Curses, Black Magic, Witchcraft • Fears, Angers, Other Negative Emotions clearing the way to your Higher Consciousness. A Tool for Mass Construction! F O U N D E D 1 9 2 0 B Y P A R A M A H A N S A Y O G A N A N D A F O U N D E D 1 9 2 0 B Y P A R A M A H A N S A Y O G A N A N D A S e l f - R e a l i z a t i o n F e l l o w s h i p F O U N D E D 1 9 2 0 B Y P A R A M A H A N S A Y O G A N A N D A F O U N D E D 1 9 2 0 B Y P A R A M A H A N S A Y O G A N A N D A S e l f - R e a l i z a t i o n F e l l o w s h i p Inner Reflections 2017 Eng a g ement Ca lendar A Daily Retreat Spiralbound, 54 color photos, $13.95 Inspiration from Paramahansa Yogananda Visit our gallery at Inner Reflections december/january 2017 11