CAS Quarterly

Fall 2016

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C A S   Q U A R T E R L Y     F A L L 2 0 1 6   41 " Over the past decade, production sound has become much more complex, as technolo- gies and workflows evolved both on set and in post production. " –Mark Ulano CAS production sound professionals who don't often get to see the production sound rigs in person. There was a noticeable degree of awe at the level of workmanship and build that the production mixer's put into their set rigs with many ques- tions and discussion. The participating production members who showcased their carts and their recording and mixing components included: Tom Curley I Recorder: Sound Devices 788t I Mixer: Sound Devices CL-9 Michael Martin I Recorder: Zaxcom Nomad 12 I Mixer: Zaxcom Mix 8 Danny Maurer I Recorder: Sound Devices 664, Sound Devices 633 Devendra Cleary CAS I Recorder: Sound Devices 970, Sound Devices Pix 260i, Sound Devices 664 I Mixer: Yamaha O1V, Sound Devices CL-12

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