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What I know about success is that it must equate to happiness to have value. Whether I suc- ceed by writing something that others fi nd valuable, by caring for and about a loved one, or by traveling and experiencing new adventures, my success is measured by the happiness that achievement brings to me or to others. Genie Davis (Pp. 20 & 29) contributors A great teacher I've worked with, Mary Morrissey, talks about her most important honors: one, her blackbelt in success; the other, her blackbelt in failure. While I was working with Mary, a few years ago, I experienced what I thought was a colossal failure. I now know what Mary meant about having a blackbelt in failure. What I learned through that painful experience was that every situation offers lessons and growth opportu- nities, despite the seeming despair of the moment. I've learned fi rst-hand what it means "to not be attached to the outcome." Marcia Hanscom (Pg. 10) I've learned three things about success. First, look to science for easy achieve- ment; even sleeping on earth, you're rotating at almost 1,000 miles per hour. Second, grab Shakti Gawain's Creative Visualization and make a treasure map of affi rmations—mine have more than come true. Third, through losing family members, I've realized we can pack only heart connections into our cosmic carry-ons. Love deeply! Katie Sandberg (Pg. 24) I believe the most meaningful successes are the ones that combine personal achievement with helping others. As a writer, I love being able to shine a light on people who fi nd creative ways to improve the world. Lisa Beebe (Pg. 26) Success is very personal. To one person it might mean being a top executive, and another might see fame and riches as the epitome of achievement. For someone else, the satisfaction of raising well-adjusted children or bringing joy to an aging parent might be most satisfying. And if you're a WLT reader, just sitting in meditation for 20 minutes a day may feel like a meaningful success. We asked some of our contributors to this issue what success means for them. JOB: 16M409 MEDALLION #: 118964 FILE NAME: 118964.MITCHELL-YELLIN.16M409.V1R1 DATE: 7/20/16 RUN DATE: 8/1/16 SIZE: 3.6" X 4.75" TODAY'S DATE: 7/15//16 CHARACTER COUNT: 115 TOTAL NUMBER OF AUTHORS: 1 PUBLICATION: Whole Life Times Magazine Project Manager Rosa Almodovar (212) 929-9130 ext:1123 LAYOUT RND: 1 VER: 1 K REG Y M Near-Death Experiences Discussion / Book Signing Saturday, August 6th, 7PM Third Street Promenade 1201 Third Street Santa Monica (310) 260-9110 The philosophy professor explores the science behind supernatural phenomena associated with near-death experiences. Get more info and get to know your favorite writers at BN.COM/events All events subject to change, so please contact the store to confirm. T:4.75 in T:3.6 in 8