Consider the lus-
cious taste of a juicy,
ripe pear, the crisp
feel of clean sheets
as you slip into bed,
or the instant relax-
ation of submerging
in a tub of scented
hot water. Imagine
the soft breeze stir-
ring your hair on a
hot summer evening,
the nectar of drip-
ping honeycomb or
the fi rst savored sip
of a fi ne red Pinot
Noir. There are endless ways for our bodies to live in the sen-
suous, taking in pleasure and enjoyment. Beauty experienced
through taste, scent and touch is the sensuous springboard into
the adventures of living an erotic life.
Living deeply in the body is one of the simplest, yet most di-
rect experiences of self-love
and a reliable pathway to be
physically, sensuously loved
by someone else. Anna
Freud once wrote, "Sex is
something you do, sexuality
is something you are."
We are sensuous and sexu-
al beings whether or not we
ever engage in sexual acts.
It is an energy that lives in
us and can be recognized in
the way we experience the
world through our senses.
Living with beauty in mind
is a profound entrance into
our physical sensory relationship with the world.
—Wendy Strgar, writer, teacher and loveologist, is the founder
and CEO at Good Clean Love, makers of Almost Naked 95 per-
cent-organic lubricant.
august/september 2016 17