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"I FEEL A DEEP SENSE OF REMORSE that I contributed to presenting Trump in a way that brought him wider attention and made him more appealing than he is." —Tony Schwartz, ghostwriter of The Art of the Deal (The New Yorker, 7/25) "FORTY-EIGHT PERCENT VOTED for Sense and Sensibility, 52 percent voted for Pride and Prej- udice." —Bill Maher in his opening monologue after Great Britain's Brexit vote to leave the EU (6/24) "IF YOU ARE 29 YEARS OLD OR young- er, you've never voted in a presidential election in which both parties' candidates were white men… and it may seem that gender discrimination is a thing of the past." —Former Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman recalling the profound challenges to her 1973 campaign (Politico, June 2016) "IT TAKES TWO PARTIES TO MAKE a healthy relationship." —Wichita, Kan. police chief Gor- don Ramsay following a successful community cookout that replaced a planned Black Lives Matter protest (NPR. org, 7/19) W O RT H R E P E AT I N G "THE RESENTMENT AMONG whites is mingled with patriotism, pride, fear and a sense that an America without them at its center is not really America anymore." —Nicholas Confessore attempting to explain American political affi liations (The New York Times, 7/13) "LOOKING OUT OVER BAGHDAD on the Fourth of July, I saw the truth that [Star Wars] ob- scured and inverted: I was the faceless storm trooper, and the scrappy rebels were the Iraqis." —Iraq vet and former Star Wars fan Roy Scranton, on the fantasy of American violence saving the world (The New York Times, 7/03) "YOUR CONSCIENCE shouts, 'Here's what you should do,' while your intuition whispers, 'Here's what you could do.' Listen to that voice that tells you what you could do. Nothing will defi ne your character more than that." —Steven Spielberg, speaking at Harvard's commencement (, 5/26) "MONEY'S THE CHEAPEST THING. Liberty and freedom is (sic) the most expensive." —Leg- endary fashion photographer Bill Cunningham, who died in June at age 87, explaining why for years he ripped up checks he'd received from magazines that had published his work (The New York Times, 6/15) "THESE SMILING YOUNG Republicans may be the future of the GOP, but they certainly aren't the future of America. —Blogger Shannon Barber on the white- ness of an Instagram selfi e of House Speaker Paul Ryan with Capitol Hill interns (, 7/17) WORRIED? S T R E S S E D ? D E P R E S S E D ? There are answers in this book. BUY AND READ DIANETiCS T H E M O D E R N S C I E N C E O F M E N T A L H E A L T H MAY YO U N E V E R B E T H E S A M E AG A I N THE #1 BEST SELLING BOOK ON THE HUMAN MIND MAY YO U N E V E R B E T H E S A M E AG A I N BY L. RON HUBBARD PRICE: $25 DIANETiCS M E N T A L H E A L T H 4810 W. Sunset Blvd., LA CA 90027 Open daily: 9am - 10pm ® Saturday, April 29, 2017, 9am-9pm • Griffith Park, 4730 Crystal Springs Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90027 • 310-396-9900 • Celebration of Ever New Joy! Stimulate Creative Expression Learn how to start a Spiritual Community Healthy Living Choices Science of Kriya Yoga Pathways to Success & Happiness Meditation & Devotional Chanting Ananda Fest Ananda means Bliss! Join us for a full day of experiential workshops, arts & crafts, performances, healthy food and divine company! FREE Admission 12