our inbox
Bravo for putting together such a
meaningful and spiritually appealing
creation as your Feb./March issue! I
just read a friend's copy and found so
many articles of personal interest that
I'd appreciate knowing where I would
be able to pick up my own current and
future copies.
Are there any sites in the Agoura Hills
or Westlake area where it's available?
I've read several other holistic/spiritual
genre magazines, but they don't hold a
candle to your elegant publication.
Thank you.
—Irene Shelton, Agoura Hills
Ed. reply: Thank you for your kind
words! We are at several locations in
your area, and if you call our offi ce with
your zip code, we'll be happy to direct
you to them. You can also sign up at
our website, wholelifetimes.com, to
get notice of our free digital edition
delivered to your inbox.
Why does Whole Life Times accept an
ad from a vicious cult? When a librarian
saw this ad, she asked whether a boycott
is called for. Anything to do with [this
group] should be boycotted, and you
should not include them in a magazine
purporting to be about a healthy, whole
—Henry Elton, via e-mail
Ed. reply: The words "whole life" mean
just that. Freedom of speech is our
First Amendment right, and we value
diversity and differences of opinion.
april/may 2016 9