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_____________ Y ou'll want to tweet this post. On May 7, Angelenos will celebrate the birds of L.A. in a unique way—with the sec- ond annual Bird Day L.A., a series of countywide events connected through social media. From Deb's Park downtown to The G2 Gallery in Venice, reaching south as far as the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacifi c and north into the San Fernando Valley, there will be many events for every level of birder, ranging from the un- initiated and tentative to the seri- ous and sophisticated. One key feature is there's no cost to participate at any level, so it's not just cheep, it's free (sorry, couldn't resist). For once, the spotlight will be on biodiversity, not fi lm or fash- ion, celebrity or TV. Just good ol' fashioned outdoor entertainment, enjoying nature in her exquisite rainbow of color and variety. You'll fi nd enticing descriptions of the events—some led by do- cents, others that teach bird and wildlife photography (instructor Dave Collins shot the stunning bird images in this story)—listed by geographic area on the website at dar/join-us-for-bird-l-a-day/2016-birdladay-events/. Recent research out of the Netherlands (2014) provides com- pelling evidence linking a widely used class of insecticides, neonicotinoids (also harmful to bees), to population declines across 14 species of birds, which is all the more reason to honor and appreciate our feathered friends. It's been 54 years since author Rachel Carson published Silent Spring, which ultimately got DDT banned in the United States, but new threats continue to arise. So pack a picnic and get out and enjoy our beautiful part of the planet. Bring binoculars if you have them, or borrow a pair at the Audubon-led events. You may also want to join the afternoon walk at Malibu Creek State Park, then continue on to nearby Adobe Cantina for an evening of bird conversation over tacos and tamales. —Diane Shader Smith also contributed to this story. city of angels By Abigail Lewis A DAY FOR THE BIRDS Let's celebrate our feathered friends SFVA president Rose Leibowitz shows a boy how to use binoculars. Photos: bottom, Jackie Wollner; top, Dave Collins Rufous hummingbird 14