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Spring 2016 | 25 CANDIDATE STATEMENTS WEA Ethnic Minority Statewide Representative - BARBARA GONZALES Currently I am running for WEA Minority Representative and State Delegate to NEA/RA. I've been with WEA since I began teaching 9 years ago, attended my first RA last year and have been a representative to Delegate Assembly on several occasions. I look forward to serving as your voice and helping with any issues that I can. I would greatly appreciate your vote and support for this year's elections. Thank you. WEA Higher Education Statewide Representative - JASON PASQUA I've been the Theatre Instructor at LCCC for eleven years. My guiding principles are simple. I believe . . . People come first, policy and procedure come second. Data under-represents reality. Audit and assessment regimes destroy morale. You can't standardize things without standardizing people. If you believe what I believe, I ask for your vote. WEA Higher Education Statewide Representative - STEVE THULIN Wyoming educators face tough times for the next several years, at all levels. We have started to rebuild our college ranks in the WEA and must do it as a solid front alongside our K-12 colleagues. Our schools, colleges, faculty and staff are the solution to Wyoming's economic woes - not the cause. A strong WEA means a strong future! State Delegate to NEA Representative Assembly - FRANCES KIM LINN An active NEA member since I first walked into a classroom, I am an English and Math teacher who is passionate about ensuring all students have access to a quality public education. At the RA, I will share with others the great things Wyoming does for education and take back ideas to improve our working and learning environments. Southeast Region Representative - JENEFER PASQUA I have served the association in several different capacities the past ten years. It is time to bring my voice to the board. The Southeast Region faces many challenges and local members need support. With my experience as the CTEA president and the chair of MACR, I believe I can provide support to the region. I appreciate your vote! Southeast Region Cluster Delegate to NEA Representative Assembly - HEIDI EDMUNDS Despite working in higher education for 10 years, I have only become involved with the WEA in the past three years. During that time, I've attended the AFT/NEA Joint Higher Education Conference and worked to expand WEA's focus in higher education, particularly on our campus. WEA's value to faculty, staff, and students is tremendous, and I'd like the opportunity to continue facilitating strong connections with higher education. I would be honored to serve as the SER Cluster delegate to the RA. Southeast Region Cluster Delegate to NEA Representative Assembly - CATHERINE STEINBOCK I have worked in higher education for more than 15 years and in that time I have found that advocacy and representation is as important for professionals in higher education as it is for K-12 educators. WEA has afforded me tremendous opportunities, including leadership development and governance training. I would be honored to serve as the Southeast Region Representative and provide leadership and advocacy for all the members in this region. Southwest Region Representative - LEANN UHLING I've been a teacher and member of the local, state and National Association for 30 years, 27 in Wyoming. I have served as building rep., local president, WEA board member and NEA RA delegate. I'm presently teaching kindergarten in Saratoga and am dedicated to working with local and regional members, governance and staff to advocate for students and public schools. RE-ELECT STEVE THULIN WEA Higher Education Representative Southwest Region Cluster Delegate to NEA Representative Assembly - ANNETTE MASON During the past 27 years I have been a K-5 teacher in Saratoga and member of WEA/NEA serving as president and co-president of our local association and a member of delegate assembly. I look forward to increased involvement with the association striving to improve Wyoming education for students and educators as a NEA RA delegate. Spring 2016 |