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Spring 2016 | WEAnews 24 Spring 2016 | WEAnews 24 Announcements 2016 WEA Election Commitment to excellence is best practiced as an engaged advocate. As of press time, the listed members have declared their candidacy for these open positions. C:\Users\SClark\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\U71BTIJA\DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY LIST FOR 16 ELECTION.doc DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY LIST FOR 16 ELECTIONS March 7, 2016 Position Candidate(s) STATEWIDE BALLOT WEA ESP Statewide Representative Mary Wolf WEA Ethnic Minority Statewide Representative Barbara Gonzales WEA Higher Education Statewide Representative Jason Pasqua Steve Thulin STATE DELEGATES TO NEA REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY NEA RA State Delegate (Category 1)---5 delegates Sandra Bowling Christine Fitzgerald Barbara Gonzales Jolyn Hallgren Lannette Lahey Frances Kim Linn Madeline Trujillo-Hamel Jill VanOverbeke NEA RA State Delegate (Category 2)---1 delegate NEA RA State ESP Cluster---(ESP Members with NO Local) ---1 delegate CENTRAL REGION Central Region Representative Marci Kutzer Central Region Cluster Delegate to NEA RA (Casper College EA, Douglas EA, Glenrock EA, Niobrara County EA)---1 delegate Heather Rutz NORTHEAST REGION Northeast Region President Elizabeth Crislip Northeast Region Vice President Annie Gripp Northeast Region Cluster Delegate to NEA RA (Crook County EA, Johnson County EA, Newcastle EA, Northern Wyoming Community College District EA, Sheridan Central ESP, Sheridan East EA, Sheridan West EA, Upton EA)--- 1 delegate NORTHWEST REGION Northwest Region President John Fabela Northwest Region Representative – 1 year term Lannette Lahey Northwest Region Cluster Delegate to NEA RA (Arapahoe EA, Central WY College EA, D-4 EA, Dubois EA, Ethete EA, Ft. Washakie EA, Greybull EA, Hot Springs County EA, Lovell EA, Meeteetse EA, Northwest College EA, Powell EA, Riverton EA, Shoshoni EA, Ten Sleep EA, West Big Horn County EA, Wind River EA, Worland EA)---3 delegates Tom Bushyhead Jacob Strenger Jill Strenger SOUTHEAST REGION Southeast Region President Barry McCann Julie Tucker Southeast Region Vice President Elizabeth Merritt Southeast Region Representative Carole Palmer Jenefer Pasqua Catherine Steinbock