Spring 2016 | wyoea.org
Professional Development
Opportunities Await You
Assessment Literacy and Forma ve Assessment Resource Development Training - Phase II
with Jan Hoegh. The March 29 session in Casper will be a repeat of the 2015 Assessment Literacy and Forma ve
Assessment Development Training. Phase II will con nue with focused assessment development in specific content
areas and grade spans. All training sessions are from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Registra on link: h p://goo.gl/forms/
March 29-30, Casper: REPEAT of Assessment Literacy & Forma ve Assessment Provided in 2015
April 12, Riverton: Assessment Development for Elementary Educators
April 13, Riverton: Assessment Development for Secondary Educators
April 26, Green River: ELA and Social Studies Assessment Development
April 27, Green River: Math/Science/STEM/CTE Assessment Development
May 2, Sheridan: ELA and Social Studies Assessment Development
May 3, Sheridan: Math/Science/STEM/CTE Assessment Development
May 4, Casper: Performance-Based Assessment Development
May 5, Cheyenne: Performance-Based Assessment Development
Grants Management Training: April 28-29, Casper. Workshop for grant recipient organiza ons across
all disciplines. Learn how to administer government grants and stay in compliance with applicable rules and
regula ons. WEA members and staff get a special tui on rate of $565; use code "WYASSN" to receive this $30 discount
off full price at registra on. Tui on includes Grant Management USA's 400-page grant management workbook and
reference guide. Complete event details including learning objec ves, class loca on, graduate tes monials, and online
registra on are available here:
h p://grantwri ngusa.com/grants-training/grant-management-workshops/casper-wyoming-april-2016.html?utm_
Blended and Balanced Instruc on: A two-day workshop available on two different dates and loca ons:
May 2-3 at Spring Creek Ranch in Jackson
May 5-6 at Rawlins High School in Rawlins
Presented by Marty Sugerik, a Project-Based Learning Specialist and Trainer. Workshops will focus on pedagogy,
partnerships, classroom innova on, and hands-on learning. Registra on for all workshops closes on April 15,
2016. For registra on and more informa on, visit h p://goo.gl/forms/vF6OJVkRJM.
Register Now for the 5th Annual WyTECC Conference: May 6 & 7, Western Wyoming Community College
Green River Campus. h ps://wytecc.wildapricot.org/event-2106204/Registra on
2016 General & Special Educa on Conference: "21st Century Learning and Collabora on for
Teaching ALL Students Including Gi ed & Talented," Pre-K through 12th Grade: May 18, 19 & 20, Houston.
Sponsored by Rehab Seminars: (360) 379-6994. h p://www.rehabseminars.org
2016 WACTE Conference "CTE - Growing Wyoming's Future": June 14-16, Powell. Pre-conferences
will be held June 12-13. h p://www.wacte.net/index.php?op on=com_content&view=ar cle&id=75&Itemid=587
2016 Roadmap to STEM Conference "Inspiring Wonder": August 1-3, Rock Springs. We welcome
all K-16 educators, administrators, counselors, a er school providers, and others interested in STEM educa on. This
conference is a high energy, ac ve learning opportunity that will provide tools, resources, and ideas that can be
implemented in a variety of learning environments. More informa on to come soon! Watch this video to see what this
conference is all about! h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21teAzgvQGw