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esprofessional Major Historical, Legislative and Policy Events that Have Affected NEA's Education Support Professionals 1946 National School Lunch Act – Congress creates the school lunch program, recognizing the connection between nutrition and learning capacity. School cafeteria workers are expected to know about food allergies, nutrition, and food safety. 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act – Congress invests billions of dollars in "poor schools" through the Title I program in an effort to provide equal opportunities in education. Head Start – Head Start programs are often based in schools, where school support staff play a key role in preparing children to be ready to learn when they enter school. 1966 Child Nutrition Act – The growth of this program reflects the increased awareness that students need good nutrition and well-trained school support staff. 1969 Members adopt Resolution C8 at the NEA- RA, the first recognition of paraprofessionals and auxiliary personnel in NEA governance proceedings. 1970 Occupational Safety and Health Act – OSHA is created to ensure that every worker goes home healthy every day. Supported by NEA, OSHA regulations have helped make schools safer for staff and students. 1974 A task force at NEA-RA is appointed to study the problems related to organizing and servicing substitute, part-time, and paraprofessional personnel, including examination of their "proper" professional and legal relationships with full-time teachers. 1975 NEA establishes a special membership category for Paraprofessionals. 1980 Educational Support Personnel (ESP) are voted full membership rights in NEA by the Representative Assembly. 1986 Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act – Lawmakers raise standards for school bus drivers, helping to maintain an excellent record of transporting students safely. 1990-91 Resolutions are passed at NEA-RA that highlight the essential role of ESPs in enhancing the learning environment and education process, and that recognizes their contributions as positive role models. 1994 National Skill Standards Act – This law establishes a National Skill Standards Board to oversee the development of a voluntary, industry-based national system of skill standards, assessments, and credentials. The Act lays the groundwork for national certification of paraprofessionals. 1998 NEA Representative Assembly – Members adopt a resolution endorsing the professional development of ESPs and recognizing a need for the ESP voice to be represented in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of their professional development programs. 2001 Members at NEA-RA vote to officially change the term "Education Support Personnel" to "Education Support Professional." 2002 Elementary Secondary Education Act – Known as the "No Child Left Behind" Initiative, this reauthorization requires that current and potential paraprofessionals must meet certain educational requirements or obtain state- approved certification in order to perform their duties. Be sure to check out these other stories for more opportunities to get involved and take action. ESP Action 6 AEA's Education Day at the Capitol 18 Read Across America Day 22 Advocacy Corner AEA Advocate ❘ Summer 2012 11