Fall 2015

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Save the union way at As our kids grow up, we want to make sure to pass down our union values. Congratulations to SAG-AFTRA for your continuing dedication to solidarity and hosting your second convention! Members can save with AT&T Wireless and Union Plus. Just because you're union, you can save 15% on select wireless service from AT&T, the only national wireless provider that's union - like you. You can save whether you're already an AT&T customer, or switching to all-union AT&T. Plus, if you use a Union Plus Credit Card on qualifying purchases, you're eligible for up to $250 in rebates. For union members, this is an easy call. Here's one more thing Union families can share. All program plans for new and existing customers may require a new two-year contract. This offer cannot be combined with any other discounts. Qualifying monthly data plan required.

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