Fall 2015

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8 SAG-AFTRA | Fall 2015 | A Letter from the Executive Vice President G A B R I E L L E C A R T E R I S "We must be vigilant about strengthening the contracts we have, securing the protections we need, and organizing across the entire media and entertainment industries." Dear Member, T he second biennial convention recently held in Los Angeles was inspiring and empowering. Nearly 400 delegates from across the country received reports on the important work of our union — from contracts to diversity, government affairs to public policy, as well as the various important initiatives like the White House's A Call to Arts and the President's Task Force on Education, Outreach and Engagement. Delegates were ignited by President Howard's report, as he encouraged us all to embrace the mission of organizing new work and empowering every member of our union to deeper engagement. We are vey fortunate to do the work that we love and to get paid for it. The truth is, we all value the protections the union has negotiated for us over the last decades — good pay, safety on the set, pension, health care and many other benefits. We must be vigilant about strengthening the contracts we have, securing the protections we need, and organizing across the entire media and entertainment industries. Our 2015 delegates have already begun showing their resolve and commitment through the social media initiatives that we have been launching. Members demonstrated their activism in our 'Dear Dave' campaign aimed at Droga5 (a digital advertiser who only uses union once in a while) and tweeted in support of our interactive negotiating committee. This involvement exemplifies the theme of the 2015 convention: Educate, Engage, Empower. Secretary-Treasurer Jane Austin gave a rousing speech that helped everyone in the hall gain a sense of her personality and her union commitment. Her moving remarks introduced our newest elected executive officer to the delegation in a unique and personal way. I look forward to working closely with her in the coming years to further strengthen our already-solid financial position. Lastly, but not least, our National Executive Director David White nearly brought the house down with his report on our union and industry. David defined our work world, union operations and the power and strength of the membership with incredible insight, vision and clarity — when he finished, we all felt a deeper appreciation of where we've been and where we are going. It is clear that David has done terrific work by building and leading an efficient and effective organization. As for myself, I am honored to have been re-elected to the position of executive vice president. Representing you in this capacity is a great privilege, and I look forward to continuing the important work being done by President Howard, our executive team and you, the membership. I recognize that in my role as EVP, it is important to not only reach out and share the work we have been doing with members and the industry, it is just as important that I reach out to hear the issues and concerns of our members around the country. We are entering into the next round of major negotiations — starting with the commercials contracts — and, as the national co-chair of this negotiation committee I am committed to having your interests in mind as we review, discuss and ultimately negotiate a contract that serves us all in a meaningful and beneficial way. As I write this letter, we are concluding the commercials Wages & Working Conditions process, where we've engaged hundreds of members who work these contracts at locals across the country. The W&W process for all of our contracts is your chance to get engaged with your fellow members, and weigh in on aspects of the contracts most important to you. It's when you share your feedback and make your voice heard that your union is better empowered to serve us all. I wish you all happy holidays and a new year filled with joy. In unity and solidarity, Gabrielle Carteris

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