Post Magazine

October 2015

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THE MARTIAN 18 POST OCTOBER 2015 n Ridley Scott's new sci-fi adven- ture, The Martian (20th Century Fox), which stars Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain and Kate Mara, a crew of as- tronauts on a manned mission to Mars encounter a storm while on an informa- tion-gathering expedition. The crew is or- dered to abandon the mission and evacu- ate the planet. Unfortunately for astronaut Mark Watney (Damon), who is hit by flying debris during the storm, he is believed dead and left behind. Watney, however, is very much alive and forced to rely on his training, ingenuity and wit to stay that way on a hostile planet, while also figuring out how to send a signal back to Earth. Just as in the film, where a team of NASA scientists with a range of back- grounds worked together to figure out a rescue plan for Watney, it took a team of artists and a number of studios to create more than 1,000 VFX shots for the film that included Mars environments, NASA headquarters and various action scenes in space. According to MPC's Richard Stammers, VFX supervisor on The Martian, it took anywhere from 500 to 1,000 artists across several VFX studios — MPC, The Senate VFX and Framestore, with additional support from ILM, Atomic Arts and Milk Visual Effects, as well as previs and postvis from Argon and The Third Floor — to complete the task. Production for the film, which was shot predominantly on Red Dragon THE MARTIAN BY LINDA ROMANELLO MPC CREATES MARS ON EARTH FOR RIDLEY SCOTT'S NEW SCI-FI ADVENTURE I

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