Post Magazine

October 2015

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SOUND LIBRARIES 11 POST OCTOBER 2015 NON-STOP TRAILERS RELEASES 'BORN OF LEGEND' ALBUM LOS ANGLES — Non-Stop Trailers (, Warner/Chap- pell Production Music's ( trailer division, has released Born of Legend, an album from the company's acclaimed Glory Oath + Blood catalog. The album is now available through major retail services, including iTunes and Amazon. Tracks from the new album include "Obsidian Sky," "Warriors of Csaba," and "Twilight Rising." The release of Born of Legend to the public follows the successful releases of Non-Stop Trailers' Full Tilt Ethos and Convergence albums, as well as Xtor- tion Audio's Critical Mass and Dramatic Protocol albums. Non-Stop Trailers' primary business supplies high-end, epic music to the film trailer industry. The company is now also making these releases available to the consumer market. To preview, purchase and download, visit the iTunes store. PMA ANNOUNCES WINNERS OF FIRST ANNUAL MARK AWARDS HOLLYWOOD — The non-profit Production Music Association (PMA), an advocate and voice of the production music community, has announced the winners of the first Annual Mark Awards for Excellence in Production Music. The inaugural event took place last month at the Directors Guild of America headquarters in LA, concurrently with the PMA's Second Annual Production Music Conference (PMC.) Named in honor of the late Andy Mark, who was a music library owner and a founding member of the PMA, the Mark Awards recognize the very best in production music in 17 categories. Winners of the 2015 Mark Awards include Hall of Fame Award recipient and composer Gerhard Narholz, founder of Sonoton Production Music. David Israelite, president and CEO of the National Music Publishers Association, was the recipient of the Ambassador Award. In the Best Production Music Track category, 40 Winks by 9 Lives com- poser Richard Dutnall won for Best Ambient Track; Timeout by SuperPitch composer Marius Lenoir won for Best Dance Track; Indigo by MYMA compos- er Hallway Swimmers won for Best Electronic Track; We the Light by Firstcom Music composer Bryan Spitzer won for Best Hip Hop Track; Bopology by APM Music composers Bill Novick and Paul Lenart won for Best Jazz Track; Complexity by VideoHelper composers Joseph Saba and Stewart Winter won for Best Orchestral Track; Truth Is by Amphibious Zoo Music composer Scott Reinwand won for Best Rock Track; Comin' For A Change by BWN Music composer Stephen Clinton Sullivan won for Best Vocal Track; and A Stroll in Pelourinho by Megatrax Production Music composers Eduardo Lyra Krieger and Orlei Goncalves won for Best World Track. In the category of Best Use of Production Music, When Dreams Come True by APM Music composer Baptiste Francois Thiry won for Best Use of Produc- tion Music In A Commercial Advertisement; Beethoven to the Fifth by Vid- eoHelper composer Aaron Sapp won for Best Use of Production Music In An On-Air Promo; It's Ok by Audio Network composers Tom Rosenthal and Max Brodie won for Best Use of Production Music In A Theatrical Film Trailer; Into Battle by Stephen Arnold Music composers Robert Price and Stephen Arnold won for Best Use of Production Music As Theme Song In TV Program; All Up In Ya Earhole by VideoHelper composer Brian Randazzo won for Best Use of Production Music As Underscore In A TV Program; and Not Alone by Mid- Coast Music composers Christopher Francis Hanson and Matthew Schwanke won for Best Use of Production Music In Full-Length Theatrical Film. (L-R) Litchfield's Ivy Tombak and APM's Sharon Jennings. VideoHelper's (L-R) Randy Thornton and Joe Saba. HOLLYWOOD'S PRESTIGIOUS SOUNDELUX LIBRARY IS NOW READY FOR LICENSING! DOWNLOADS AVAILABLE AT: SOUNDEFFECTS.SOUNDDOGS.COM SOLD AND LICENSED EXCLUSIVELY FROM SOUNDDOGS.COM. PLEASE CALL 323-363-4740 OR EMAIL: JOHNMORAN@SOUNDDOGS.COM

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