ADG Perspective

September-October 2024

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2 6 P E R S P E C T I V E | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4 When I read the script for Civil War, I had a million questions. I read it again, and had millions more. Set in an unspecified near future, it's a road trip with four journalists documenting a civil war raging in America. I am a daughter of the South. I grew up with haunting images of the first Civil War, and the angst that is still evident there. This story was unlike anything I had ever imagined or dreamed about, much less foresaw. That reaction stayed in my mind from the moment I met Alex Garland to…right now, two years later. The film's release was hotly anticipated and received a substantial amount of press, starting with the SXSW premiere. Everyone I spoke with, from The New York Times and Variety, colleagues, acquaintances, friends (childhood and contemporary), siblings, in-laws, random strangers, people on either side of the current political divide—had the same questions. Working with Alex Garland was not just as good as it gets, it was better than that. Alex is intense, forthright, always laser focused, always generous with his attention, open and respectful. He would never reject an idea out of hand. It was more often "Yes, that's a great image. Maybe just not for this scene." Alex and producers Allon Reich and Gregory Goodman (whom I met nearly a decade ago when I was the US PD for Jason A D i f f e r e n t P a s t t o a n A l t e r n a t e F u t u r e C I V I L WA R B Y C AT Y M A X E Y, P R O D U C T I O N D E S I G N E R A. THE ATTACK ON THE LINCOLN MEMORIAL. PRODUCTION STILL COURTESY OF A24. A

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