MPSE Wavelength

Summer 2024

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24 M PS E . O R G F ROM TH E VAU LT O F TH E H O L LY WOO D SOU N D M U S E U M BY STEVE LEE, THSM FOUNDER Almost Ready for has always been our ultimate goal— having an actual physical place to share the craft of creating audio for entertainment. When the pandemic hit, we decided to start building our online presence—and have amassed a large amount of content for our Raiders of the Lost Ark FX tape log. Right: Historic tapes in The Museum's collection. THSM founder Steve Lee Visitors! For the first time, visitors will be able to see selected items from The Hollywood Sound Museum's collection in our private offices in Glendale. The idea for The Hollywood Sound Museum started in late 2015. It has been a slow journey toward what subscribers on Patreon. But we've never lost sight of wanting a real brick-and-mortar location, and we have been sharing the plans for what we were developing for it. Although everyone has been amazingly supportive, a few people have shown skepticism—and would

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