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C A S Q U A R T E R L Y I W I N T E R 2 0 2 4 1 I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E The President's Letter | 3 From the Editor | 4 Collaborators | 6 Learn about the authors of your stories Announcements | 9 In Remembrance | 92 Been There Done That |93 CAS members check in The Lighter Side | 96 See what your colleagues are up to W I N T E R 2 0 2 4 DEPARTMENTS Scoring Stage Upgrade Considerations | 10 Considerations for mitigating technology obsolescence relative to score mixing. Fan Favorite Films: The Shawshank Redemption | 26 A look back at the 1994 classic. Localization Mixing | 34 Shared experiences of mixing language specific to regions in post- production. FEATURES 10 42 Dialing in Dynamics | 42 Re-recording mixers discuss approaches for using dynamic processors to help control levels. Profiles in Hybrid Mixing | 52 When and how some mixers chose to integrate mixing from home with mixing on the dub stage. Networking Know-How | 66 Tips for making industry connections while avoiding social anxiety. Immersive Podcast Mixing | 74 A discussion on mixing scripted- fiction podcasts in Dolby Atmos. Restoration of Audio Recordings | 80 An examination of two audio restoration approaches: one as a documentarian and the other as an archivist. Dialing in Dynamics • Profiles in Hybrid Mixing • Scoring Stage Upgrade Considerations Immersive Podcast Mixing • Restoration of Audio Recordings • Localization Mixing Networking Know-How • Fan Favorite Films: The Shawshank Redemption WINTER 2 0 2 4 SCORING STAGE UPGRADE CONSIDERATIONS Restoration of Audio Recording NETWORKING KNOW-HOW RESTORATION OF AUDIO RECORDINGS DIALING IN DYNAMICS PROFILES IN HYBRID MIXING DIALING IN DYNAMICS IMMERSIVE PODCAST MIXING LOCALIZATION MIXING FAN FAVORITE FILMS: THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION PROFILES IN HYBRID MIXING LOCALIZATION MIXING IMMERSIVE PODCAST MIXING | 74 80 52