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b y D r . E r i n M i c h a e l R e t t i g C A S Scoring Stage Upgrade I have worked in music, recording, and post-production for 23 years as a cellist, recording engineer, and maintenance engineer at several studios in the world. My current position is Supervising Engineer at The Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, CA. I've come across a number of CAS colleagues there as well as during my 17 years prior at 20th Century Fox Film, where I held the position of Supervising Sound Engineer, Scoring & Post Production. During the pursuit of my Doctor of Education at the University of Southern California, I conducted research regarding needs and considerations for mitigating technology obsolescence relative to score mixing—a topic I am very familiar with through my professional position. More specifically, the study looked to learn more about scoring mixers' perceptions regarding analog audio, digital audio, audio quality, workflow flexibility, and how a post-production facility might balance these elements to remain viable as a creative and business enterprise. As you would expect, my dissertation, "Examining Technology Obsolescence in Music Scoring Studios," discusses the various research methods and findings in great detail. For this article, we'll focus on the findings for a more straightforward read. Erin Michael Rettig CAS Photo by Joshua J. Krause