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Having worked in costume departments and as an event designer in vari- ous capacities throughout her career, getting more involved with her peers for the common good was always an important goal to Kristin Ingram. She's made engagement her personal policy and dedicated much of her time and passion to working at the Guild, getting to know its members and participating in committees. "I made it a priority to attend every single membership meeting. I think I missed one meeting when I was pregnant," she laughs. Running for Secretary was the natural next step. "I thought I would be a valuable asset because I'm organized and meticulous, and care about where we are all headed as a team." Ingram is enthusiastic about both the process and the people. "I love it so much because you get to see all of us collectively, where we've come from, and where we're going. It's great getting to see the inner workings of our local and I feel privileged to be able to contribute and shape our future." Having worked in film and television for nearly four decades, Nanrose Buchman has also served as Treasurer since 2012 when Rachael Stanley encouraged her to run for Executive Board. During her tenure the membership has more than tripled. With an activated membership, each committee has carefully considered programs and goals. These projects cost money and the Guild's finances require thinking in the long term. One of her proudest achievements is helping secure the purchase of the CDG building. "Year by year we have increased our budget to have additional funds to meet our expanded goals. Fiduciary responsibility is a critical part of shepherding the union into the future," Buchman explains. "Continuing to support our recent efforts for pay equity, diversity, and education programs through a pandemic, we've maintained a balanced budget, and I am proud to say we are in a healthy place financially." Buchman notes. She sees communication with members vital to her role. "This is your money and we're trying to spend it in a way that really benefits you in the long term." Nanrose Buchman TREASURER Kristin Ingram SECRETARY 20 THE COSTUME DESIGNER | WINTER 2023