ADG Perspective

November-December 2022

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8 6 P E R S P E C T I V E | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 2 background or in flight, but nothing for close-up action, and the film couldn't afford to import or build one, so we turned to Plan B. Mr. Boom found a grounded C-130 that had been converted into a coffee shop along a highway, and we rented it. The aircraft was dis-assembled, moved to location, and restored as a US Air Force plane that we pushed around the tarmac. On the last possible day, as COVID rates fell, Jake miraculously obtained a flying C-130 for an afternoon, thus doubling our squadron. COVID also closed airports—a blessing in disguise! The crew created five airfields at two of them (with VFX enhancement) and some interiors too, including the seaside Da Nang Officers Club and the Kontum Operations Office; sets built on location where Chuck brought the Army's ironic bureaucracy to life. Helicopters were the biggest headache. Unsurprisingly, working period choppers are nearly obsolete and were unavailable for our Kontum and Pleiku sets. Undeterred, Mr. Boom unearthed private sources of Huey's, planes, jeeps and trucks to assemble an airwing and motor pool. But the Huey bodies couldn't fly; dollies, gimbals and cranes got them moving—along with a big dose of VFX. The LZ Jane firebase, a spectacular mountaintop location, had a helipad protected by artillery and mortar pits (with set-dec made weapons). In sloping fields below, the team built an observation bunker, trenches and foxholes where Chickie quickly discovers what "front line" means. It was a difficult prep, with all in-country air travel grounded and an eight-hour van ride to get there. But when the monsoon started, we had plenty of authentic mud! C A. HUEY HELICOPTER BODY. KONTUM AIRFIELD SET ON LOCATION. POTHARAM, THAILAND, PRODUCTION STILL. B. HUEY HELICOPTER BODY ON GIMBAL. MOON STAR STUDIOS, BANGKOK. C. BUNKER PLAN AND SECTION. CONSTRUCTION PLANS DRAWN BY TIM GALVIN. D. BUNKER. PRODUCTION STILL. E. LZ JANE HILLTOP. SET ON LOCATION. CHIANG MAI, THAILAND. PRODUCTION STILL. F. BUNKER INTERIOR. PRODUCTION STILL. A B D

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