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6 4 P E R S P E C T I V E | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 2 July 2020 was a strange time. Four months of isolation and production shutdown allowed below-the-line filmmakers and craftspeople to reflect on how much we give our industry and what we receive in return. I thought about this in my own sphere as a designer, but more importantly, about the crew I work with. If we were to return, the environment would need to be fun, safe and nurturing. There was no one I felt safer with than Olivia Wilde, who taught me that all of this was possible in our previous collaboration Booksmart. When I got the call for Don't Worry Darling, I knew it was going to be a peak experience at a time when we needed it most. Olivia's confident collaborative process shatters all hierarchical rules. Each crew member is given a voice. She's transparent and open, which inspires a team dedicated to going above and beyond. This process has rubbed off on me completely and I see the design of the film as the complex melding of brains, personalities and imaginations of the entire S h a p i n g a H o l i s t i c A p p r o a c h t o D e s i g n D O N ' T W O R R Y D A R L I N G B Y K AT I E B Y R O N , P R O D U C T I O N D E S I G N E R Society puts so much pressure on individuals to set up their own boundaries, but we need to collaboratively take care of each other. It's the very mission of this movie. A