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G L A S S O N I O N | P E R S P E C T I V E 5 7 themselves had to have an equally progressive series of reveals, all to serve up character clues and deliver plausible suspects. An absorbing design challenge for this project was the creation of the invitation puzzle box that serves to introduce the cast of characters within the context of their separate COVID-reduced circumstances and to build anticipation for their eventual rendezvous at the island paradise of their fabulously wealthy friend and co-disruptor, Miles Bron—the one among them all who succeeded beyond all reason. Rian's direction for the puzzle box was fairly explicit: It was to be the size of 3-4 stacked medium pizza boxes, screens had to successively reveal the games, and the puzzle of each game was described. Nevertheless, there was a great deal of design leeway in the actual execution of the games, and in the action of the box opening and game reveal. The research had the Art Department exploring Fibonacci curves, periodic tables and the "Magic Eye" 3D optical illusion. With the design and animation aid of the talented artist Kim Frederiksen, and many conceptual iterations of the look and action of the opening, we arrived at a fully fleshed out preview and design of the puzzle box that could then be broken down into its practical parts by propmaster Kris Peck and his team. B. CONCEPT ART FROM 3D MODEL OF THE PUZZLE INVITATION BOX. KIM FREDERIKSEN IN SOFTIMAGE AND PHOTOSHOP. KIM DESIGNED AN ENTIRE ANIMATED SEQUENCE FOR THE OPENING OF THIS BOX FROM MY SKETCHES. C. PRODUCTION STILL FROM BIRDIE'S APT. PUZZLING OVER THE PUZZLE, ON STAGE IN BELGRADE, SERBIA. NETFLIX. B C