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5 4 P E R S P E C T I V E | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 2 N E W S 27th ADG Awards Submissions and Voting B Y D AV I D M O R O N G , E D I T O R A. LOGO FOR THE 27TH ADG AWARDS. B. ADG AWARD. C. PROJECT SUBMISSION PAGE FROM THE ADG AWARDS WEBSITE. The end of the year brings on the time to review and vote on submissions for the Art Directors Guild Awards. The list of eligible productions and submitted design presentations are available for viewing on the ADG website, with voting for nominations beginning December 12 and wrapping up January 6. This year in the television category, the period and fantasy films have been split into separate awards, so there will be a total of ten categories open for nominations up from nine last year. The four categories in the film area bring the total up to fourteen design awards to be reviewed and voted on. Nominations will be announced on January 9, with final voting taking place between January 25 and February 16, and winners will be announced live at the awards ceremony on February 18 at the InterContinental Los Angeles Downtown. B A C