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E D I T O R ' S N O T E Sources of Inspiration B Y D AV I D M O R O N G , E D I T O R One of the continually fascinating parts of putting together this journal are the many places designers find inspiration for their work. This issue covers nine articles from a wide variety of film and television projects. The sources of inspiration they reveal are not dependent on budget, schedule, resources or all the other challenges that define the project. A designer's inspiration is a unique asset they bring to the story. Real-world factors may influence how it is applied, but the spark of inspiration drives a designer's decisions. In the cover story on The Menu, it is a study of the main character and how he would employ the resources around him that Ethan Tobman uses to create Hawthorne island. For Nanny, the mythical undertones of the story are used by Jonathan Guggenheim to develop his design approach. Rick Heinrichs used the script's puzzle metaphor to develop the esoteric environs of the disrupters featured in Glass Onion. For Zack Gonchor it was a question posed on the film's three acts that helped define the visual structure. The period films have the additional resource of their time in history. The Bauhaus and the subsequent modernist movement informs Katie Byron's ideal world in Don't Worry Darling, and Tim Galvin shares his very personal approach to charting the story on paper to develop a design framework. Greg Berry's working-class world of vampire hunters and Jeff Mossa's continuing development of the insanely excessive superhero world of The Boys round out an issue that showcases the efforts of some of the today's finest designers and what sparks their imaginations. A film by FLORIAN ZELLER F O R Y O U R C O N S I D E R A T I O N I N A L L C A T E G O R I E S I N C L U D I N G BEST PICTURE BEST PRODUCTION DESIGN Production Designer Simon Bowles "LIKE 'THE FATHER,' WHICH SIMILARLY MADE GREAT USE OF THE PROTAGONIST'S LIVING SPACE, DON'T COUNT OUT THE TECHNICAL WIZARDS FOR PRODUCTION DESIGN." -Clayton Davis, VARIETY " EACH SPACE IS IMPECCABLY DRAWN BY PRODUCTION DESIGNER SIMON BOWLES, AND THEY QUICKLY SKETCH THE DISTANCES IN THESE RELATIONSHIPS." -Steve Pond, THE WRAP