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1 3 0 P E R S P E C T I V E | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 2 P A G E S PERSPECTIVE Cover Art B Y D AV I D M O R O N G , E D I T O R , A N D M I C H A E L B A U G H , F O U N D I N G E D I T O R DETAIL FROM PRODUCTION DESIGNER GUY HENDRIX DYAS' CONCEPT SKETCH OF OLD ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL FOR ELIZABETH: THE GOLDEN AGE. HE SAYS,"THIS SKETCH SHOWS ELIZABETH VISITING OLD ST. PAUL'S WHILE IT'S UNDER RENOVATION. ORDINARILY I LIKE TO SKETCH WITH PENCIL AND PAPER BUT IN THIS INSTANCE, I CHOSE TO USE PHOTOSHOP FOR COLOR AND REALISM SINCE IT WAS ALSO THE BASIS FOR A VFX MATTE. OLD ST. PAUL'S WAS DESTROYED IN 1666 IN THE GREAT FIRE OF LONDON BUT IT WAS THE HEART OF THE CITY IN ELIZABETHAN TIMES." #1. PERSPECTIVE STARTED OFF AS A NEWSLETTER, MUCH LIKE THE THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW EMAIL MEMBERS NOW REGULARLY RECEIVE. IT TOOK JUST OVER 2 YEARS AND 14 ISSUES TO MOVE TO A FULL COLOR MAGAZINE FEATURING ARTICLES ON DESIGN. Last spring saw the publication of the 100th issue of PERSPECTIVE. and that milestone seems like a good time to look back on some of the artwork that has graced the covers over the past fifteen years. The process of selecting the cover has not changed since the start of the publication. It is one of the last decisions made for each issue, and the criteria includes finding an impactful image from among the work submitted for the issue that crops well to portrait format (always a challenge in a landscape artform), is of sufficient resolution, (easier now then it was at the start), represents the highest level of design work being done in the industry at the time and highlights the work of ADG members. The following choices are some of our favorites, and include the original captions from the issue. Every issue of the journal is available to any visitor to the ADG website, and we invite all to look back over this valuable archive of narrative design. #14. The first full-color book was produced in partnership with IngleDodd Media, the cover featuring a detail of this beautiful Photoshop illustration by Guy Hendrix Dyas for Elizabeth: The Golden Age. This and every cover since has been done in collaboration with IngleDodd Graphic Arist Ruth Kaplan.