Wyoming Education Association

Summer 2022

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Page 29 of 31

Retired Retired Greetings from WEA-Retired, Whether you have already retired or are years away from doing so, now is the time to ensure you enjoy a healthy retirement. Fiscal health, physical health, and mental/emotional health are the three pillars that will help you live your best life both while working and in retirement. WEA-Retired provides opportunities to support all three. Fiscal Health As part of the Wyoming C oalition for a Healthy Retirement (WCHR), WEA-R is working with other Coalition partners toward securing a benefits increase for WRS Beneficiaries during the 2023 legislative session. Wyoming retirees have not received a benefits increase since 2008. This is unacceptable. Tens of thousands of Wyoming's public workers who have dedicated their careers to serving their communities are being left behind. Far outpaced by inflation, stagnant benefits are jeopardizing many retirees' ability to pay for their most essential needs. Whether you are currently retired or are still in the active workforce, please get involved in helping WCHR change the tide for our state's retired public employees. Please take a few minutes to visit protectpensions.org/states/wyoming/ to learn more about how you get involved! Physica l Health Maybe early retirement has limited your health insurance options, or you are one of the Education Support Professionals (ESPs) in our state without employer-provided health insurance. Even if you are a certified educator with insurance through your district, surely you have friends, family, or co-workers who are uninsured or underinsured. Passing Medicaid Expansion in Wyoming would mean 25,000 W yomingites would gain health insurance coverage. The federal government will pay 90% of the cost. Combined with the $54 million in new federal incentives for Medicaid expansion, Wyoming would receive more than enough money to pay for the cost of Medicaid expansion for the first few years. Expanding Medicaid coverage in Wyoming would drive down uncompensated care costs at our hospitals, create healthcare jobs, decrease insurance premiums, and help create a healthier Wyoming. Help achieve Medicaid Expansion for Wyoming: visit healthywyoming.org to learn more about grassroots lobbying, advocacy events, voter education opportunities, and more. If we all work together, we will see Medicaid Expansion passed during the 2023 Legislative Session! Mental/Emotional Health Part of living my best retired life is staying engaged in causes I care about. WEA- Retired opens many doors for you and me to be involved in our Association and community. I would argue that there's no more impactful way to shape our communities and enrich our own lives than by getting involved in local politics. I urge you to consider supporting pro-public education candidates: reach out to WEA Government Relations Director Tate Mullen via email at tmullen@wyoea.org or via phone at (307) 286-3096 if you are interested in canvassing for candidates. You may do as little or much as your time allows. Consider donating to WEA's Political Action Committee for Education (WEA PACE). Use WEA PACE's candidate endorsements to guide your decision- making at the polls (see pages 6-7 to learn more about WEA PACE and reference candidate endorsements). VOTE i n the August 16 primaries and encourage others to do the same: 90% of Wyoming state races are determined in the Primaries. I know that the political arena can feel intimidating. The WEA, the Equality State Policy Center (ESPC), Healthy Wyoming, and the League of Women Voters of Wyoming will guide you. Please explore resources from these wonderful civic and advocacy organizations on your own. If I can he lp you get involved, feel free to contact me anytime. I would love to visit with you! Vicki Swenson President WEA-R vicki@wyoming.com In Appreciation, Vicki Swenson President WEA-R In July, WEA-Retired Secretary/Treasurer Leesa Kuhlmann and WEA-Retired President Vicki Swenson attended NEA Retired's Annual Meeting and NEA Representative Assembly. Leesa attended in Chicago. Vicki attended virtually. WEA-Retired would like to invite our members to reach out to WEA Statewide Organizer Elise Robillard to learn about a new and exciting opportunity: being a paid Member Organizer for WEA. You would share the benefits of joining the Association with potential members. Contact Elise: erobillard@wyoea.org or (307) 275-5799. "Give a man health and a course to steer, and he'll never stop to trouble about whethe r he's happy or not." —George Bernard Shaw Did you know? Earn money as you build the Association 30

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