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Election Results WEA ESP Statewide Representative Christine Fitzgerald WEA Ethnic Minority Statewide Representative Evangeline Trevino-Linton WEA Higher Education Statewide Representative Joey West NEA RA State Delegates Christine Fitzgerald Mariah Bovee James Learned Rachel Gibson Toni Orr Alternates Darlene Erickson Danelle Moyte NEA RA State Delegate (Category 2) No nominees Central Region Representative Toni Orr Northeast Region President Darlene Erickson Northeast Region Vice President Andrea Wood Northwest Region President Jennifer Young Northwest Region Vice President Michelle Rooks Southeast Region President Mariah Learned Southeast Region Vice President Bryon Lee Southeast Region Representative Rachel Gibson Southwest Region Representative Todd Herreid Central Region Cluster Delegate to NEA RA No nominees Northeast Region Cluster Delegate to NEA RA No nominees Northwest Region Cluster Delegate to NEA RA Jennifer Young Pam Greek Reva Lobatos Southeast Region Cluster Delegate to NEA RA Leslie Boaz Southwest Region Cluster Delegate to NEA RA Lisa Platt 9