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These dedicated educators won WEA Delegate Assembly Awards 2020-2022 and were honored during the 2022 WEA Delegate Assembly. Learn more about their wins and how to access photos of the award winners on page 24. The WEA Board of Directors selects members going above and beyond to serve students and fellow members to be recognized with Exceptional Service Awards. These award- winners are nominated during WEA Board meetings. They receive a certificate of achievement in recognition of their dedication to Wyoming students. The WEA News (ISSN 007-370) is published three times annually by the Wyoming Education Association. Subscription average $5.49 of WEA members' dues is designated for WEA News. Periodicals postage pending at Cheyenne, WY and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send changes to: WEA News, 115 E 22nd St. Cheyenne, WY 82001 © Copyright 2021. Wyoming Education Association. All materials in this periodical may be reproduced by educators for distribution to students or by affiliate associatio ns for their own publications. Unless expressly stated, acceptance of advertising does not imply endorsement of the product by WEA. Dirk Andrews Lydia Bustos Vicki Swenson Madeline Trujillo-Hamel 2020 Kim Amen Don Bryant Noelle Clark Melissa Harris Erin Jackson-Ries Mike Lujan James Mims Danelle Moyte Jon Vanoverbeke 2021 Lydia Bustos Emma Wilson 2022 Dirk Andrews Kasey Benish Grace Godfrey Mariah Learned Peaches Tyrell Kathy Vetter Mary Wolf