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The WEA Membership Committee convened in Riverton on June 11-12 to plan for back-to- school organizing, begin training, and work on building effective Regional Organizing Teams. Delegates at the 2022 DA (see page 24) voted to include Region Vice Presidents on the WEA Board of Directors. Region VPs will now be taking a more hands-on role in membership organizing. Region VPs will head Region Organizing Teams, teams of highly engaged members specializing in the work of organizing members around issues impacting locals and strengthening the Association in the process. Strengthening Association our Captions: From left: WEA Southwest Region UniServ Director Lisa Herold plans with Southwest Region Vice President Lisa Platt. The Northwest Region plans for back-to-school events. The Membership Committee listens as WEA Vice President and Membership Chair Kim Amen gives a training for Member Organizers. June 2022. Bee kind to your colleagues. Help them enjoy the benefits of belonging to the WEA by signing them up as early enrollees. Now-August 31, new and returning WEA members pay no dues until September 1, 2022. Legal services, complimentary insurance, and select NEA Member Benefits are only available to dues-paying members. Learn more at B u i l d i n g O u r F u t u r e T o g e t h e r ! Elect K i m A m e n WEA Vice President Paid for by Kim Amen for Vice President F Elect Elect K i K WEA Vice President WEA Vice President