MPSE Wavelength

Summer 2022

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m ot ion p ictu re s o u n d e d i to r s I 57 Until fairly recently, identifying with digital characters created in a virtual world was challenging. Technology significantly limited our ability to see and hear relatable human characteristics in the gaps between the polygons. But as visuals have rapidly progressed, so too has the immersiveness of game audio. Every character's tiny efforts and breaths are now palpable even to the subtlest detail. Leilani Ramirez, the Senior Manager of Dialogue at PlayStation, has specialized in game dialogue for 20 years. She has overseen the process of bringing Nathan Drake, Kratos, and Spider-Man's voices to life, among many others, over the course of her career. I had the great pleasure of chatting with Leilani about her experiences and what she's learned throughout her successful career in game dialogue. Leilani Ramirez in a mix stage at PlayStation

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