Spring 2022

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Page 82 of 97 | Spring 2022 | SAGAFTRA 81 A fter years of in-person school visits, WCVB Channel 5 Boston meteorologist Kelly Ann Cicalese got creative out of the classroom with virtual science. Pivoting to develop a fun, educational and interactive virtual presentation that explains the science behind weather, Cicalese was able to incorporate in-studio eq uipment, such as the chroma ey Students are fascinated by green screen technology They really resond also as more uestions and conduct virtual polls," said Cicalese, who adjusts the curriculum for preschoolers to high school students. The presentation begins with an introduction to the station and the StormTeam 5 weather team, and then explains how forecasts are created. It's a great community outreach and going virtual has enabled more eiility The to minute sessions often include a behind-the-scenes studio tour, but always end with an engaged uestion-and-answer period. The uestions at the end are my favorite part," said Cicalese. The students are insightful and give fantastic feedac, which is very rewarding ou get to see how captivated they are and how much information they retain." ● Pandemic Pivots WCVB's Weather Team School Visits SAG-AFTRA New England member Kelly Ann Cicalese, meteorologist with WCVB, presents virtually to an earth sciences class at Bridgewater-Raynham Regional High School on Nov. 10, 2021. New England Spotlight on Gratitude F or more than two years now, members John Abbott and his 95-year-old mother Marie Stelin have sread goodwill, indness and areciation in their Phoenix-area community. Abbott made signs and secific messages for each of the doen usinesses that they freq uent. We both have long careers of being in the spotlight. We ased ourselves, esecially during these times, how do we switch the focus and shine a light on those who are maing a difference in our everyday lives? We decided that showing up at businesses and stores with signs of support and appreciation for the emloyees and worers was one way to do that, declared Abbott. What a rewarding way to enrich our day as we, too, find joy in giving ac to our universe It was a much-needed boost to our lives, as we continue to mae the rounds on a nearly daily asis, sharing this goodwill. I smile, and it puts a great big smile on Mom's face too." ● ● Arizona- Utah SAG-AFTRA members Marie Stelin and John Abbott spread good cheer. STILL'N MOTION RUSS NELLIGAN ™ WCVB CHANNEL š BOSTON

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