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12 SAGAFTRA | Spring 2022 | A Letter from the Secretary-Treasurer Fellow Members and Friends, I t is with pleasure and cautious optimism that I report that the financial state of our union is extremely strong. As we continue to contend with the e and ow of the V crisis, the nation and the industry have rebounded and show i is ac ver the ast months, there has been an unprecedented surge in new membership, which is oth an incredile financial driver for the union and reresents confidence in SAATA Also, of note, the federal government has forgiven the unions Paycheck Protection Program PPP) loan. At this moment of surlus, the union has the opportunity and the responsibility to choose wisely. Addressing the lingering, devastating effects of our health lan crisis remains a to riority for me n real time, the union is rehiring staff with a goal to restore its pre-pandemic level, full range of services that memers deserve and have historically come to expect. Stay assured the National Board is acting with the memers economic challenges firmly in mind With the andemics ecuniary difficulties still touching every pocketbook and the burst of what we hoe is merely shortterm ination, the oard agreed unanimously to continue its dues relief etension program, through which members could easily req uest either online or by simply checking a box on the dues bill an etension of the due date for dues ayment and an installment lan for those payments. In addition, we voted to adopt a very small dues increase the rice of a cu of coffee to both bolster and sustain member services and avoid a ig dues hie over the net five years eminder ay your dues in order for your voice to e heard in future elections I am thrilled to announce that with the full suort of resident rescher, and in my caacity as chair of finance, we loo forward to forming the eal state Investment Subcommittee. The time has come for SAATA to own its own building, both as an investment and a place to create community, particularly after the isolation we eerienced during the pandemic. Now, more than ever, we need solid investments in the future and in each other. The ommercials ontracts negotiating team worked tirelessly to bring us the agreement, which at this writing is efore the memershi for ratification While the vastness of the commercials industry remains a challenge for us, suort this necessary deal There are significant increases in many areas which will preserve and protect our members working in the industry. Finally, as your secretary-treasurer, I recently attended a meeting in Washington, , of all the secretary treasurers of the As unions As we discussed issues around the table, I was keenly aware that, while we reresented vastly different inds of worers from erformers to steelworkers, electricians, teachers, nurses and more we shared the strong common ond of facing the challenges confronting all worers, from health care costs to wages to affordale housing and worlace safety uring that meeting, was honored to be chosen to serve on the secretarytreasurers steering committee As we turn towards the TVTheatrical negotiations of , am eager to get to the table to represent you and leverage our full value, to finally achieve terms that reect the uality and imortance of your wor our fears, dreams and your realities are foremost on my mind In service and solidarity, Joely Fisher J O E LY F I S H E R "As we continue to contend with the ebb and flow of the COVID crisis, the nation and the industry have rebounded and show biz is back!" "POWERFUL" "POWERFUL"