Wyoming Education Association

Summer 2021

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/1390700

Contents of this Issue


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Catching u p o n y o u r Treat yourself to some new summer reading material through NEA Member Benefits. Visit neamb.com/wyget2 to receive two complimentary magazine subscriptions and find discounts of up to 50% off of popular titles like Better Homes & Gardens, People, National Geographic, and more. For English instructor at Newcastle High School, and Newcastle Education Association President Michael Alexander, becoming a published author has been a lifelong goal. "I was a huge bookworm as a kid," Alexander told WEA News, "so to have an audience for my own writing means a lot to me." Alexander recently won the Indies Today 2020 Best Horror Book Award for his creepy collection of nine short stories, Boarded Windows, Dead leaves. S u m m e r R e a d i n g n e a m b . c o m / w y g e t 2 C l a i m t w o f r e e m a g a z i n e s u b s c r i p t i o n s o n s e l e c t , l i m i t e d t i t l e s a n d e n j o y d i s c o u n t s o f u p t o 5 0 % o f f t h r o u g h N E A M e m b e r B e n e f i t s . V i s i t : SCARY-good E n t e r t o w i n a R e a d f r o m y o u r A s s o c i a t i o n . English instructor, award-winning author, and Newcastle EA President, Michael Alexander. Alexander believes it's important to cultivate a love for reading and writing in students. "Practicing putting your thoughts into clear writing enables one to enjoy clearer thinking," he said. "Good creative writing also encourages readers to empathize with people unlike themselves." If you find yourself eager to read another nailbiting collection of spooky stories after Boarded Windows, Dead Leaves—have no fear. "Once the world gets to something closer to pre-pandemic normalcy, I hope to have more time to write," said Alexander, "as I definitely plan on putting together another collection of stories." Enter to win Enter yourself and a colleague to win one of three copies of Boarded Windows, Dead Leaves! Send a shoutout to a colleague on Facebook. Share a brief story about what makes them a great educator, tag them (if possible), and be sure to tag your post #scarygoodwyeducators. You and your colleague are both automatically entered to win! This giveaway closes to entries on October 22nd. Winners will be announced on October 29th. Read more of Michael's work at michaeljessale xander.wordpress.com 31

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