Wyoming Education Association

Summer 2021

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/1390700

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I'm optimistic that the next school year will bring with it a return to "normalcy," but I urge you: even as the immediate sense of crisis is passing, please don't discount the need for prioritizing yourself and your well-being. Please allow yourself the freedom to continue processing, recovering, and growing as we navigate the next school year and for many years to come. I hope that even as you process the stress of this extraordinary year, you'll lend some of your renewed energy toward supporting political action on behalf of public education in Wyoming. COVID-19 wasn't the only hurdle facing public education this year. A fiscal cliff still threatens the future of public education in Wyoming. Ultimately, secure funding for education will alleviate the budgetary constraints that threaten our students' future and cause so much discord for education employees. In this issue of WEA News, you will find resources you can use to join our movement— resources you can use to educate friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors about the threats we're facing. Securing the prosperous future of public education will help us rest easier and continue giving our absolute best to our students and collective future—unabated by the constant stress and fear that accompanies the current uncertainty about public education in our state. Thank you for your dedicated service to Wyoming students. Take care of yourselves. As always, I'm available if you have any questions or concerns or just need someone to lend a listening ear. F R O M T H E D E S K O F P R E S I D E N T H U T C H E R S O N Grady Hutcherson President, WEA ghutcherson@wyoea.org | (307) 532-1731 Congratulations, and thank you for successfully completing this school year! I continue to be amazed, not surprised, by what every education employee in the state of Wyoming does for our students. We all faced an unprecedented year, and every one of you rose to the occasion to do what was needed. You went above and beyond, and it makes me proud of you, our Association, and our profession. As we move forward, we must consider the lessons learned from this past year that we can use to help us continue to grow and improve. How will we address new issues and concerns that resulted from this past year? How will we cope with the collective change and trauma we've endured as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic? WEA has stressed the importance of caring for mental health—that of both students and educators. I know that as educators, all of you spend so much energy caring for others' wellbeing that you often overlook your own. I want to encourage you to give yourself the space, energy, and resources you deserve. Use this summer to rest, recharge, and recover. Take advantage of Association benefits to make this your best summer yet (learn more on page 22). Sincerely, 4

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