Wyoming Education Association

Summer 2021

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/1390700

Contents of this Issue


Page 29 of 31

Office Elected Candidate Treasurer John Fabela NEA Director Dirk Andrews State At-Large Delegates to NEA RA - Category 1 Judy Crow Paige Gustafson Mariah Learned Bryon Lee Jamie LeJambre Nancy Nelson Heather Rutz State At-Large Delegate to NEA RA - Category 2 Katie Law Central Region President Rebecca Murray Central Region Vice President Laura Stadtfeld Northeast Region Representative Darlene Erickson Northwest Region Vice President Jennifer Young Northwest Region Representative Reva Lobatos Northwest Region Cluster Delegates to NEA RA Evangeline Linton Reva Lobatos Nancy Nelson WEA-R President Vicki Swenson WEA-R Secretary/Treasurer Bertha Tracy Southeast Region Representative Heather Rutz Southwest Region President Tyler Ruby Southwest Region President Lisa Platt 2021 Election Results I am deeply humbled by the number of you who voted for me to continue as your WEA Treasurer. Thank you so much for taking the time to vote and for demonstrating your confidence in me and the rest of your local, regional, and statewide leaders. I have been busy, behind the scenes, attending NEA State Treasurer trainings and working with WEA Executive Director Ron Sniffin, President Grady Hutcherson, Vice-President Kim Amen and Business Office Manager Tiffany Mores to become a more informed financial spokesperson for your WEA. I look forward to meeting with as many local Treasurers as I can in the coming months and years to help us all be more confident in our roles as financial officers. – John Fabela, WEA Treasurer, jfabela@wyoea.org Thank you, Wyoming Education Association members, for re-electing me to be your NEA Director for three more years. It has been my pleasure to represent you at the national level, and I cannot wait to continue advocating on behalf of Wyoming educators and students. If you need anything, feel free to reach out. Thank you again! – Dirk Andrews, NEA Director dandrews@wyoea.org From your statewide officers ... John Fabela Dirk Andrews 30

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