Wyoming Education Association

Summer 2021

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/1390700

Contents of this Issue


Page 26 of 31

I learned that it is okay to say you are struggling.Not only is our physical health important, but our mental and emotional health is also important. ESP are always doing things for others, but keep in mind that you need to be healthy to do these things well. Don't hesitate to reach out if you are struggling. There is no shame in taking care of yourself before you take care of others. Finally, I learned how important my family and friends are. Sure, I always knew that they were important, and I love them so much. But to be honest, I oftentimes took for granted having wonderful people in my life. I hope I know never to do that again. I have reached out to my children more. I tell my husband how much he means to me. I am thankful to have my mother nearby and healthy. I am thankful for my friends who know me best and will laugh and cry with me when I need it most. Take a moment to reflect. What went well during the last school year, and what would you change? Do what you need to make your world better for yourself and those around you. Thanks for all that you do! YOU make me proud to be a part of this Association. YOU make me proud to be an ESP. Have a wonderful summer, After making it through this crazy year, it feels so good to welcome a change of pace. I encourage you to take some time and reflect on this past year. What were things that worked well, and what are some things that you need to change? If you had a negative experience, what caused it? Was it because of COVID-19? What lessons can you take from your experience? I learned so much from this past year, and whenever life presents me with an opp ortunity to learn, I feel that there had to be some good in the situation. I learned how critical communication is. Having communication from your local leaders, district leaders, building administration, and staff you work with is vitally important. If you are not receiving the communication you need to be successful, reach out and make sure it happens. I learned that students are very resilient, and I am so proud of them. They came to school with masks after missing out on so much the previous year and went into the year with smiles and joy. Adults can learn so much from them. Christine Fitzgerald ESP Representative to the WEA Board of Directors Appreciating lessons learned from the past year and caring for yourself jcatfitz@msn.com (307) 286-4503 Wyoming ESP have a new logo! The new logo symbolizes WEA and ESP working together hand in hand. Look for a lapel pin coming to you in your mailbox this summer/fall. We hope you wear it with pride and are reminded that you have a great organization working with you. Coming soon! 27

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