Wyoming Education Association

Spring 2021

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/1349911

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Page 26 of 31

The fight for funding won't end with this session. It's important that we keep the conversation going with Wyoming lawmakers. ESP are uniquely qualified to speak to day-to-day life and experiences in classrooms and cafeterias, in libraries, and on school buses across the state. Please, use your experience and your unique perspective to advocate for our students! If you're interested in learning more about how you can get started advocating for education, please contact me or WEA Government Relations Director Tate Mullen at tmullen@wyoea.org. I am always amazed by the care, compassion, and amazing work that ESP do daily. You make a difference, don't let the opportunity to make a difference for education funding pass you by. of the budget crisis that Wyoming is facing. Some people may say that the word crisis is overly dramatic; it is not. Cuts to education funding in Wyoming could come to $100 million or more, which would cut staff and programs vital to student growth and success. Many ESP feel that their voice does not count or that they won't be heard. You do count, and you will be heard, but you must speak up! Students and the future of education in this great state depen d on your willingness to advocate for education! By the time you read this, this year's legislative session could be over or nearing its end. But it's never too late to get involved! Reach out to your legislators: Give them a call or send them an email. Share your story with them. Tell them how and why cuts to education funding would hurt Wyoming students and how cuts would impact you, your family, and yo ur community. Christine Fitzgerald ESP Representative to the WEA Board of Directors Education Support Professionals are Vulnerable to Education Funding Cuts Everyone is aware jcatfitz@msn.com (307) 286-4503 Em Wilson, a library paraeducator at Greybull Middle and High Schools, is WEA's ESP of the Year! Learn more about Em's achievement and what it takes to be a great ESP on page 29. From left: Greybull EA members Cheryl Hunt and, ESP of the year, Em Wilson. 27

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