Wyoming Education Association

Spring 2021

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/1349911

Contents of this Issue


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20 John Fabela Candidate for: State Treasurer It has been an honor to serve in a variety of positions in the WEA. My service began on the MACR Commission, before becoming the Northwest Region President. I currently serve as Co-President in the Powell EA, and as your State Treasurer. I am passionate about the WEA and working on behalf of all members to make this a strong and united Association. Thank you. Dirk Andrews Candidate for: NEA Director It has been my honor to serve as your NEA Director the last three years. Students' learning environments are our working conditions and we can't weather any more cuts! A vote for Dirk is a vote for public education and I have Wyoming's best interest at heart! I am ready to continue representing you in Wyoming and D.C.! Vote for Dirk! Lane Cheney Candidate for: NEA RA State Delegate I have served as a state delegate for the last two years. Since attending my first Representative Assembly in 2019, I understand that we are primarily an organization that advocates for children. I have never been more proud to be part of an organization in my entire life. With your vote, I hope to continue serving children. Judy Crow Candidate for: NEA RA State Delegate Vote for Judy Crow to represent Wyoming at NEA Representative Assembly. I am the current Northeast Region President and I served in Campbell County EA for the past 13 years. Paige Gustafson Candidate for: NEA RA State Delegate I am an active and passionate advocate for public education. In my leadership roles as my local membership chair, past delegate to RA, and the current Wyoming representative to the NEA Resolutions Committee, I hold this elected position to high esteem and will use the opportunity to strengthen our state association. I appreciate your consideration and your vote. Evangeline (Eva) Linton Candidate for: NEA RA State Delegate and Northwest Region Cluster Delegate I am running for the Northwest RA State Delegate to make sure the voices of our ESPs are heard. I have learned through the NEA ESP Leadership Institute that with a clear strong voice and one message we are unified in our purpose and goals. 2020 taught us that we are unstoppable when we are given the proper tools. 2021 WEA Elections Meet your 2021 candidates! Every vote counts! Please be sure to participate in your Association's elections! Watch your inbox for voting information. An electronic ballot will arrive via email on April 6. If you do not receive a ballot, please contact WEA Membership Specialist Linda Bottom at lbottom@wyoea.org. If you need to update your email address, please contact Linda prior to April 6. Please note: Electronic ballots can be filtered as SPAM. Be sure to check your Junk and/or SPAM folders before contacting Linda.

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