Wyoming Education Association

Spring 2021

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Bruch invited State Sen. Cheri Steinmetz (R- Lingle) to Lincoln Elementary in February to have a conversation with employees about education funding. "It takes just one person and one voice to start a conversation," said Bruch. "Send an email, a postcard, listen in on legislative sessions, research education bills, and reach out to other educators. It takes a village, and we have to come together to do wh at is best for our students and the future of our state." The event was covered by the local paper, The Torrington Telegram, giving visible evidence of the fact that so many people in Wyoming are heavily invested in the outcome of this year's legislative session and that so many prioritize maintaining the integrity of Wyoming public education. Bruch highly encourages other education employees to reach ou t to members of the Revenue and Education Committees as well as other legislators. "I decided to coordinate the discussion with Sen. Steinmetz because I felt like we needed to start an open dialogue between local educators and Wyoming lawmakers," Bruch said. "We often know that we want our voices heard and the importance of speaking up, but many are unsure of how to accomplish that. Setting up an opportunit y like this gave us the chance to have our voices heard and to speak up for supporting public education and Wyoming's future!" Special education teacher and WEA member Abby Bruch is in her 12th year teaching in Wyoming. She's no stranger to the unique nature of the state's boom-bust economy and the crucial juncture at which Wyoming finds itself in terms of education funding. "The amount of funding that is going to have to be cut if we don't find new revenue and the impact that will have on all public education around the state is significant," Bruch told WEA News. "It is crucial at times like this that we come together, speak up and advocate for and invest in our kids!" T H E D I A L O G U E S T A R T I N G One Educator is actively working to open a dialogue between education employees and Wyoming lawmakers. State Sen. Cheri Steinmetz (R-Lingle) addresses educators at Lincoln Elementary School. February 10, 2021. Photo courtesy of The Torrington Telegram. Reprinted with permission. It takes just one person and one voice to start a conversation. 17

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