
Q4 2020

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62 C I N E M O N T A G E W O R K F R O M H O M E By Su Fang Tham L a s t M a r c h , f i l m a n d T V p r o - d u c t i o n s w o r l d w i d e c a m e t o a jarring halt with the onslaught of COVID-19. As we all grappled with the new reali- ties of production shutdowns, furloughs/ l ayo f f s a n d t h e swe e p i n g e co n o m i c Bringing It All Back Home THE PANDEMIC HAS FORCED PARENTS IN POST CAREERS TO BE MORE RESOURCEFUL THAN EVER collapse, a steadfast group of post-pro- duction professionals quietly kept what's left of our industry chugging along by bringing projects that were already "in the can" to the finish line. Thanks to them, streaming platforms have largely been able to keep up with an insatiable demand for new content in home enter- tainment as large swaths of the country hunker down at home. In the first days of the pandemic, studios frantically dropped off Avids, hard drives, speakers, and monitors at editors' homes to keep them working. But for working parents with school- age children in tow, adjusting to working Austin Scott.

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