
Q4 2020

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Page 32 of 85

"It reminds us that ordinary lives can be the stuff of extraordinary adventure." LOS ANGELES TIMES, Justin Chang "There is a beauty that is almost spiritual in the way the sun falls across a block of rowhouses, through the windows of a storefront or along the fl oorboards of a walk-up apartment. Or maybe not 'almost.'" THE NEW YORK TIMES, A.O. Scott ©2021 DISNEY/ PIX AR DISNEYSTUDIOSAWARDS.COM F O R Y O U R C O N S I D E R A T I O N B E S T F I L M E D I T I N G K e v i n N o l t i n g , A C E WINNER TOP TEN FILM WINNER BEST ANIMATED FEATURE NATIONAL BOARD OF REVIEW GOLDEN GLOBE N O M I N A T I O N S BEST ANIMATED FEATURE • BEST ORIGINAL SCORE ® ®HFPA N O M I N AT I O N S I N C L U D I N G BEST ANIMATED FEATURE • BEST SCREENPLAY NAACP IMAGE AWARDS ®

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