Wyoming Education Association

Fall 2020

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/1297492

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Locals across the state are getting creative in their work to organize and strengthen the Association. The Albany County Education Association and the Carbon One Educators' Association held Drive Up Sign Up recruiting events to spark continued interest in the Association and keep members and potential members safe. D R I V E U P S I G N U P Above: Southeast Region President and ACEA Co-President, Mariah Learned (left) with ACEA member, Ami Cass. Below: A member renews their membership at the COEA Drive Up Sign Up event in Rawlins. Above: Reviewing membership documents in Laramie, with the Albany County Education Association. Below: ACEA members at the Drive Up Sign Up event in Laramie. Above: Thumbs up from COEA Co-President A ndrew Salzman. Below: Thumbs up from Mariah Learned and ACEA member, Paige Gustafson. It is important to continue to work to build the capacity of the Association in these times so that we have a strong support system for our members and the students we teach. These are trying times and will become trying financially, which could mean cuts in [education] funding. We need a strong, unified organization t o help ensure students get what they need. — Carbon One Educators' Association Co-President Andrew Salzman 9

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