Wyoming Education Association

Fall 2020

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/1297492

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Thank You These are complicated and scary times. Through it all, you have continued to serve your students with the kind of adaptability, grace under pressure, and can-do attitude known only by education employees. For your perseverance, your bravery, and your selflessness: thank you. You are a rock. You are an inspiration. You are an everyday hero, and your heroism is making the world a better place fo r Wyoming students. You are the WEA. The WEA News (ISSN 007-370) is published three times annually by the Wyoming Education Association, 115 East 22nd Street, Cheyenne, WY 82001. Subscription average $5.49 of WEA members' dues is designated for WEA News. Periodicals postage pending at Cheyenne, WY and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send changes to: WEA News, 115 East 22nd Street, Cheyenne, WY 82001. © Copyright 2020, by the Wyoming Education Association. All materials in this periodical may be reproduced by teachers for distribution to students or by affiliate associations for their own publications. Unless expressly stated, acceptance of advertising does not necessarily imply endorsement of the product by the WEA.

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