The Tasting Panel magazine

May 2013

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May 2013 The Man, the Myth, the Vodka Dan Aykroyd's Crystal Head Vodka It's a gorgeous Los Angeles afternoon, and as tourist-filled buses roll down the Sunset Strip, THE TASTING PANEL photographs Dan Aykroyd holding court in a blue velvet chair in front of the House of Blues. The Emmy Award–winning comedy legend hams it up for the camera, his every little move a perfectly-emoted comic oeuvre. As we snap away, a bypassing jogger slows to a stop, pulls out his phone and snaps a few photos of Dan in action. It's no surprise that Aykroyd is capable of stopping L.A. traffic: He's an original cast member on Saturday Night Live, and the creative force behind classics such as Ghostbusters and The Blues Brothers. Yet this passing jogger doesn't shout, "I loved Coneheads," or assert, "You are a Wild and Crazy Guy!" "Hey, man," he cries, "I love your vodka!" Crystal Head Vodka has arrived. Dan Aykroyd in front of the House of Blues on L.A.'s Sunset Strip. may 2013 / the tasting panel / 5

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